
Pray Together

How Can We Pray For You?

In Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV), the Apostle Paul tells us,
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

If you have a need in your life that you would like us to pray with you about, please contact our confidential prayer chain by submitting the form below. Your information will not be shared with anyone, without your consent.


Prayer and Fasting - February 21-26

Why Pray & Fast?

February 21st, our Churchwide prayer and fast will begin. Let’s look at a biblical context for it.


13 Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.


4 So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus.

1. It was after Christ’s coming.

The apparent answer is that Saul and Barnabas counted fasting as a time to remember Christ and to look forward to His return. 

2. By a Group Together

This fasting was done by a group together.

A church-wide fast is called in Matthew 6, Just as we are calling for a 5 day fast on February 5-10.

Evidently, the church leaders see it as a sin if our motive is to be known for our fasting and look more faithful. Group fasting has marked God’s people in both biblical and post-biblical times. It's used to galvanize the body to a common call and direction and pursue it together.

3. An Occasion for the Spirit’s Special Guidance

This fasting proved to be an occasion for the Spirit’s special guidance. Luke wants us to see a connection between worship, prayer, and fasting for guidance from the Holy Spirit.

4. Changed the Course of History

This fasting changed the course of history.

Before this word from the Holy Spirit, there seems to have been no organized mission of the church beyond this footprint. This moment of prayer and fasting resulted in a missions movement that would make Christianity the dominant religion of the Roman Empire within two and a half centuries and would yield 1.3 billion adherents of the Christian religion today.

If God could use prayer and fasting to launch the church I think He can use it today for our church as we stand poised to be a launching point with the gospel in our city. As we begin this week of prayer and fasting. Please use the resources in previous newsletters and our daily devotionals to assist you and your family in this special time.

As you prayerfully approach this week of praying and fasting, here are some daily Fasting Options:
Social Media Fast
No Technology
No Gadgets
Skip One Meal
No food, just fluids
No meat, just vegetables

Feb 21 Devotional

1. Worship the Lord for who He is- Psa. 96:9; I Chron. 29:11-14 and thank God for being our help in ages past- Psa. 90:1
2. Thank God for His good hand upon Trinity Church; Thank God for his blessings. Worship the Lord for what He is doing in our lives - Neh. 2:8
3. Like Noah & Moses, thank God for the miraculous cross over into a brand-new year - Gen. 8:13 & 20-21; Exodus 15:1-13
4. Holy Father, give us the strength we need to embark on this fast - Isaiah 40:29
5. Father remove from us every distraction that the enemy of our soul will stage against us or our family during this fast - I Peter 5:8-9
6. Holy Father, during this year of your favor, remove from us every negative behavior/attitude, unforgiveness, guilt, sin, or iniquity that will hinder us from experiencing the Divine Fulfillment You have for us.
7. Father create in us a deeper desire for more intimate relationship with the HOLY SPIRIT, such we are consistently being transformed to be like CHRIST in character and experience.
8. Take authority over the princes and principalities of the air; send them packing and moving out of this neighborhood in the name of Jesus.
9. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest during this year 2022 - Matthew 9:35-38. Pray for strategies, that work, to counter the forces of darkness and destroy their strongholds in this community, such that the LIGHT He has called us to shine would be made manifest.

Feb 22 Devotional
1. Thank God for blessing this congregation with a good shepherds; thank God for our pastors and their wives. Thank you for our Elders and their wives. Thank you for the new Elders, their wives and for the Executive pastor you are calling here.
2. Arise Oh Lord and scatter every enemy militating against this ministry - Psa.68:1-2
3. Let God reach forth to hold your right hand and use it to subdue every personality that is rising against the Body of Christ here in Timonium- Isa.45:1
4. Father in heaven, please protect Your church from the aggression of destroyers- Psa. 91:1-16; Isa. 54:17 and let Your Shekinah Glory overshadow every activities of darkness in this neighborhood in the name of Jesus- Gen. 1:3
5. Father, as many as fellowship in this church we pray for the thousands around us who don’t know you and that you would draw them to salvation in 2022 & permanently change their story in Jesus name- Acts 9:1-18
6. Pray for us as we launch our two year strategy plan during 2022, including our mission house, resident ministry, TSM, TK, music and arts school and summer outreaches.
7. Oh Lord give us the correct contractors for projects, Residents, Elders and new staff in the name of Jesus.
8. Pray against any lawsuits, fines, legal issues, wrong contractors in the name of Jesus.
9. Thank you for setting us free from the bondage of debt and restoring financial favor. Father, from the North, South, East, West, and from Heaven above, please continue to send financial help to Trinity Church and the members here in this season.
10. Father, we claim our new level of financial overflow, business expansion, career and academic promotion, discipleship and evangelism - Gen 48:4

Feb 23 Devotional
1. Thank You Father for being the Shepherd of our souls - Psa. 63:7-11
2. Father in this year 2022, speak Your permanent peace into our life, family, the Nation, and Your Church in Jesus Name.
3. Pray for the peace of the United States and our different countries of origin. Pray against natural disasters, any form of destruction and disease outbreak, including COVID- 2 Chronicle 26:5; 2 Kings 18:3-7.
4. Pray against every terrorist attack plotted against the US or our country. Psa. 68:1-2 & 30
5. Father, protect us and our families from random school/workplace violence. Job 5:21-23
6. Decree safe arrival of travelers, missionaries, families throughout this year - Psalm 91:1 and let us enjoy peace like a river - in our body, marriage, business, academics, ministry, etc. – Psalm 23:2
7. Pray against hospital admissions during this year in Jesus name.
8. Rebuke every terminal or chronic illness that the devil will try to attack the people of God.
9. Decree divine healing upon any member of the Church family that is currently sick.
10. Lord, meet every need (marriage, employment, fruit of the womb, aging, retirement, relocation, immigration…etc.) in Trinity Church according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus - Philippians 4:19
11. Profoundly thank God for answer to prayers and seal our prayers with the blood of Jesus.

Feb 24 Devotional
(Proverbs 1:23; 1 Cor. 2:4, Luke 5:17; Mark 16:17-18; Acts 5:12; Romans 12:1-2)
1. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Trinity Church
2. Pray for mental transformation through the Word of God in our lives.
3. Pray for an increase in the flow of your supernatural Holy Spirit in us and for our spiritual gifts, inside this church to overflow and display your wonders.
4. Pray for the demonstration of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
5. Pray to know the your sovereign will and plan for our church and to live it out in great faith.
6. Pray for increased appetite for the Word of God.
7. Pray for open heavens over all the ministries of the church both locally and internationally.

Feb 25 Devotional
(Luke 19:9; Romans 1:16; Acts 16:30-32)
1. Pray that the Lord will give us a passion for the unregenerated / lost.
2. Pray that the Lord will use us as a light in this dark world.
3. Pray for the confidence and boldness to share the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST with people.
4. Claim the community where the church building is located for Jesus Christ - the blinders of the eyes of the lost be removed - salvation for the lost.
5. Pray for the members of our households, friends, colleagues, and neighbors that they will come to know the Lord.
6. Pray that the fear of the God will be released in the hearts of men so that they will pursue after righteousness, repent and turn to you.
7. Pray for the miraculous/supernatural bountiful harvest of souls in Trinity Church and throughout the body of Christ worldwide.
8. Pray for Trinity Church to experience phenomenal growth to the glory of God as we are faithful to raising up disciples who make disciples who make disciples...